About Me
- Farmgirl
- Oregon, United States
- I am a happy, Christian, wife and post-homeschooling mother. I have spent the last several years homeschooling and now I am "adjusting" to a new season of life as "empty nester". In 2010 we moved to be Host/Caretakers at a Bible Camp. We look at our ministry here as preparing the way for the gospel to be shared as well as encouraging believers in their daily walk. I am a farmgirl at heart and love the country, I love gardening and food preserving. I also, love tea parties!! I also have a Titus 2 heart and want to share with anyone willing to listen and learn. I love having friends over and teaching them how to make bread or put up pickles. And as we work, I love to encourage them to love their husbands and their children and to be Keepers at Home and all that implies and I love that you let me do that here!! Hope you enjoy visiting my farm and walking through a journey in life with me.......I hope at some point in time I can encourage you in your walk and in your home..........
Thursday, March 14, 2013
I LOVE that God is continually working in me to mold me into what He wants me to be. I LOVE that He is patient, loving and kind when I fall short. I especially LOVE that when I am obedient to His word I can give Him PLEASURE......
Well, I said I had been busy making things for my shop......
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
When you walk along the road......
"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." Deuteronomy 6:6-7
I have always loved this verse. For some of us it is a huge part of why we decided to homeschool. Having more time to teach our children the things of the Lord without "interference".
Think about the times you can bring God into a conversation during those precious teachable moments with your children. Walking along the road.......for us that was often a country road......do we take time to point out the sky and clouds and how wonderful God made them or as we stop to examine a bug, do we take time to notice all the detail and interesting things God put into its design. Perhaps we come upon a creek, as we spot the first crawdad or fish, do we think of all that went into its design and purpose.........There are so many ways to turn our eyes on Jesus throughout a day no matter where we are. Do we do it?? I encourage you to try!
Blessings to you all today.....if the weather permits, take a walk with your children today......find something to talk about that puts their thoughts towards Heaven!!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Sunshine and Spring Days
The sun has been shining the last few days.....and it is has been pretty warm.....enjoying the days before the rains come.....
This morning I was reading in 2Corinthians 2. Spreading "fragrance" of the knowledge of God. Hmmm.....how easy it is to not do that. How easy is it to complain or be grumpy or just have a downcast countenance. I can be guilty of that, that is far from the word "fragrance"...that is a pretty foul odor!!

Monday, August 20, 2012
Still here.....
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Time to Return........
But lately, I keep looking back at old posts and the comments you have made and it has been pulling at my heart strings. :)
So, I am coming back. I still want to keep this blog in the spirit of Titus 2, but it will also be my life. I am still gardening and preserving food and living my life as always, I just take care of a swimming pool and clean toilets on the side. :)
Of course, today, I randomly decided to try and get back on here, so I have no access to pictures or anything, so once I get that in order....it will be very fun to catch you all up.
See you soon....
Friday, July 24, 2009
I am happy to be going to the
Coburg Quilt Show. It is a lovely
small event that is very peaceful
and relaxing.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Summer Daze Tea on the Veranda
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Silent Blogger.....
Life has just being going
and going at a very steady
and sometimes very fast pace.
As I was reading
Proverbs 15 today,
I was taken in by verse 30.
I LOVE that!!
Hope you are enjoying your Summer Days!!
Be back soon with some pics....
Friday, July 3, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Marriage, Children, Gardens, Sales and Fun Times!
My husband made these
Monday, June 22, 2009
Listen to the Promptings....
Friday, June 19, 2009
We have had some rain!!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009

I will begin preparing for my

"Upscale Yardsale"
in July.
She puts a pretty big ad in the
paper and it is not just a yard sale!
Oh, yes, and in between
And, I do plan on having some nice breaks.....July is our 30th wedding anniversary and we plan to go somewhere nearby for a night or two.....On the Tuesdays and Thursdays that no one has called to reserve tea, I may have my own friends over for a time of relaxing and chatting......And, I do want to read this summer....in the shade......yes!! Not sure what I will read, nothing too intense, just something fun......
Some friends and I plan to go to the Coburg Quilt Show and take our own "Tea Party" picnic. We also have a fun local camp we attend that is very relaxing for me.....
And if I had small children around, which sadly I do not, I would have them by my side in the garden, they would help me make cookies and serve tea to the ladies, and of course they would enjoy Prairie Camp!!! And when it got too hot.....they would dip into their wading pool, while I cooled off in the hot tub which will be set on a low temperature......Enjoy your children this summer!! Keep them nearby, they will soon be grown, very soon.....
What are your summer plans???