"The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:3-5

About Me

Oregon, United States
I am a happy, Christian, wife and post-homeschooling mother. I have spent the last several years homeschooling and now I am "adjusting" to a new season of life as "empty nester". In 2010 we moved to be Host/Caretakers at a Bible Camp. We look at our ministry here as preparing the way for the gospel to be shared as well as encouraging believers in their daily walk. I am a farmgirl at heart and love the country, I love gardening and food preserving. I also, love tea parties!! I also have a Titus 2 heart and want to share with anyone willing to listen and learn. I love having friends over and teaching them how to make bread or put up pickles. And as we work, I love to encourage them to love their husbands and their children and to be Keepers at Home and all that implies and I love that you let me do that here!! Hope you enjoy visiting my farm and walking through a journey in life with me.......I hope at some point in time I can encourage you in your walk and in your home..........

Friday, June 19, 2009

We have had some rain!!!!

One beautiful thing about
the rain is........
The Iris's are blooming!!!
We have lived here, going
on 11 years. These were planted
when we moved here, but we
did not have a well for some
time, so they never got watered.
Last year one or two
bloomed for the first time.
This year, because of
My daughter, 23, who is still
living at home, spent some time
in England about a year
ago.....she actually loved
the rain there, so
She was out one day taking
these pictures in the rain. :)
We really had some downpours, making
pretty good size rivers through the
It has mostly stopped,
just a little sprinkle
here and there.......
Has helped the flowers
and garden, and weeds...
so lot's of work to do.
My husband has had to work
out of town lately,
he has been gone all week,
he will be home
tomorrow and leave again Monday.
He has our laptop with
our pictures on it, so that is
why I have not posted
much this week. Then
decided to see what pics my
daughter might have that
I could use. :)
This week I finished
my garden. Have all
the transplants in
from my friend in the valley.
My daughter got the lawns
mowed between rains and now
we just have weeds to get a grip on.
We are busily preparing
for my husbands
homecoming and a special
Father's Day.
He has been gone so much, he just wants
to stay home, rather than go fishing or
something like that, so we will stay here.
All our children will come and we will
cook something on the fire and
have all his favorites...
potatoe salad, grammas
cabbage salad....
His favorite pie for holidays is Pecan....
His favorite cake for his birthday is
German Chocolate, his birthday is just
next month........so for
Father's Day, I am attempting
a German Chocolate
Pecan Pie!! With homemade
ice cream!! That will
make him smile. :)
God has been very good to bless our
family with a husband and Father that
loves the Lord and serves Him...
Loves us and takes good care of us....
He is working so hard right now just to
keep us afloat....
We are Blessed!!
Have a Blessed weekend, enjoy
it with your Family or
at least with the man
God Blessed you with!!
Think of something you
can do to make him smile....