I made my rolls the day before, let them rise once, made into balls put in the
pan and put them directly into the refrigerator. They raised a bit, I put them in the
oven straight from the refrigerator............
Mixed and matched my dishes so that I could use
Not even attempting sales today!!! Staying home, taking down Autumn decos to make room for Christmas decos. Tomorrow, we will go to a quaint little place in the woods where there is a Christmas Bazaar and tree permits. We will cut down a tree, and peek at the Bazaar. Usually, we have a cup of soup at the Bazaar, but this year we will take a picnic. Turkey sandwiches perhaps..... :) We cannot put the tree up yet, it will be at my tea first then we can bring it home to decorate next weekend. I might do some of that today with what I do not need for my tea.
There is a chance I will not get to do my really fun and lovely Nutcracker Tea!! Have not had very many calls.....and today is the deadline.....it is a very busy weekend in our town, too much going on. If that is the case, I will quickly switch gears to put some of these things I have been making into my Etsy shop. As much as I just love doing teas and do them for others enjoyment, this one was going to help with our house payment.....that is why I would quick do Etsy. If you feel prompted, please pray about that......Bless you all on this day after Thanksgiving!!
Everythin looks delicious...thanks for a lovely blog...
Looks soooo good!!!! :)
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